In our skin event leaves audience in awe

Ghassan Bardawil


Last night’s panel discussion on the commodification and objectification of the bodies of people of color left our audience intrigued and hungry for more. “It was so layered and deep that I feel like we were only able to dip our toes in the topic,” Laila, an audience member, told me while chatting after the panel. The conversation was rich and insightful and the panel members drew out fascinating perspectives and presented gripping conversations with the excellent moderation of student, writer, and activist Merryl Njimegni


“Warm conversation that opened up space to talk about interpersonal racism, internalized prejudices and how we can resist these in the bigger picture of white supremacy”

– Hanna, 25

“It was so interesting and we didn’t go further into some topics that I would have loved to hear them talk about. The panelists were all so interesting and they all came from different backgrounds, I would love to have like 5 or 6 hours more of this discussion”

-Tjara, 22

“It’s nice to have this conversation in a space where almost everyone is a person of color and I feel like this doesn’t happen enough, I love how a panel like this creates that safe space”

-Laila, 23

“Same oppressions, different fonts”

Céline , 27

Guest panelists Luther Aquino, Marvilha Munto, and Sophia Honggokosoemo explored many angles on the objectification of racialized bodies in many contexts. Bringing to the conversations their varied expertise and backgrounds, the speakers took us on a journey which seamlessly explored a broad range of cross-sections to the discussion; colonial history and war, slavery and commodification, gender and sexuality, COVID-19, and solidarity were among the many cross sections we explored throughout the riveting talk.

Many thanks to our audience for joining us last night, and we hope to see you all at our future events . Keep an eye on the blog for more material and content from last night’s speakers as well as plenty of other upcoming WDVUB content!